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Meet Renata Nunes

Meet Renata Nunes

Renata started her career as a Physiotherapist with over 20 years’ experience graduated with a degree in Bachelor of Physiotherapy from the University of São Paulo City, Brazil in 1997 and then obtained postgraduate qualifications in Motor Rehabilitation (Irmandade Santa Casa de Misericordia de SP)  and Resistive exercises for seniors (Universidade de São Paulo- USP). 

She graduated in Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2012 with renowned Master Liu Chi Ming from JinZhen Taoist lineage. And continues to improve her knowledge of Chinese Medicine in Women's health, studying with his highly regarded disciple Edgar Cantelli, preserving the same Taoist lineage.She worked with renowned doctors and practitioners in Sao Paulo, until she decided to have her own clinic

After moving to London in 2016 she started working with older people who had been discharged from the hospital and needed to regain physical mobility following a fall or illness.
After obtaining registration at the HCPC (Health Care Profession Council)  she started working as a Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist at a Harley Street Clinic.
Renata then decided to associate all the knowledge of Chinese Medicine with all the experience accumulated over the years with Physiotherapy. In addition to performing a refined treatment with Chinese Medicine, she associates techniques in which the patient relaxes and the sensation lasts longer. Every treatment is personalised and the massage will be given in the area where the patient most needs it.
​Her personal story has led to her passion for Physiotherapy and Acupuncture due to an experience of pain faced while practising Ballet at an early age. Suffering from pain in her feet that nobody could fix for months she finally got healed by a blind acupuncturist in just three sessions, which led her to learn about the body and how it works.

Currently, Renata focuses on private home visits providing personalised special treatments and on Mondays and Wednesdays, she is residency at 180 Health Club.

Renata is a member of  The Acupuncture Association and registered with The British Acupuncture Federation. She is fully registered with the HCPC ( Health Care Professions Council) and The CSP - The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

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